Hello and Welcome! I’m Missy Perry
I believe in building relationships through better conversations, and I believe this is available to you right now!

Think about a significant (important) conversation you’ve had in your lifetime. A conversation that has stuck with you as if it happened yesterday. A conversation that you have gone back to revisit. A conversation where chances are you said to yourself at the time, “that wasn’t easy, but it was good.” And, possibly in the same breath, you added “it brought us closer.”
There isn’t anything like it! The experience of intentionally hearing and being heard and the resulting connection that binds us is crucial for healthy relationships. That is what I am talking about! Meet Missy!
In my 35 years as a spouse, mother of three, the youngest of whom is deaf, sibling, friend, colleague, educator, speaker, licensed marriage and family therapist and now certified professional coach, there is a foundational principle that guides me in all that I do: RELATIONSHIPS are the key to life and the key to relationships is COMMUNICATION

Relationships and communication have been my life’s passion personally and professionally. This passion went to a new level when we found out, when he was 14 months old, that our youngest son Eddie was deaf. The initial shock moved to questions of how are we going to help Eddie hear and speak in the best way possible? How will our son thrive in a hearing world? We had to take some risks, believe in our choices for aiding his hearing and enroll him at Northern Voices Oral School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at age 3. Our family worked together daily with Eddie to practice his speech and language. There were days-indeed, months-when his speech and language appeared to plateau. Not unlike coaching, Eddie’s teachers worked in partnership with us to champion him through those roadblocks towards meeting his goals. They believed in him. We believed in him. Though he was given support and resources, it was Eddie that ultimately had to do the work to learn to speak and listen in a hearing world.

It’s not, therefore, an accident that my demonstrated skills and life experience has culminated in certified professional coaching with an emphasis in relationships and communication. Coaching maximizes my love for partnering and supporting people in building relationships through better conversations with my belief that they can do it!
I’m a cheerleader at heart. I want to support you to have better conversations and to build relationships that matter to you. I can’t wait to meet you!
What people are saying about Missy…
“Since working with Missy my confidence has soared. I feel more enabled to speak my mind and ask for what I need. She did this by giving me the tools to think through, and confidently make my own decisions. She taught me to be my own cheerleader, how to recognize self-doubt and deal with it. This has impacted not only my career but my relationships and overall sense of well-being. There were times when Missy pushed me out of my comfort zone and supported me in doing things that I thought were scary. It was in those moments that I was most grateful for her and felt so alive and learned so much about myself. I would recommend coaching with Missy Perry to anyone. My sessions spent with her were invaluable. Her knowledge, kindness, and professionalism are second to none.“
– Annie Lopez
“Missy is not only and outstanding coach, but also a deeply kind, beautiful and nurturing human. Her generosity of spirit is unmatched and the hallmark of her character. I started working with Missy during a time of radical transition in my life. I was in a vulnerable space and Missy created a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space to explore who I was (and no longer was), discover my wholeness and own my voice. Missy listens deeply and intuitively and for the first time in a long time, I feel heard and understood. After every session with Missy, I feel renewed, cherished, and empowered. Did I mention her joyful laugh and hilarious sense of humor? Well, she’s got that too. Missy is the full package.” – Athanasia P.
Work with Me • Invest in You
“What people think of as the moment of discovery is really the discovery of the question.” – Jonas Salk
“When will the rhetorical questions end?” – George Carlin